Hogtied Discount

Hogtied discount saves 50% for a total of $19.96 off!

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$7.39 /month
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Deal last verified: Jun 1, 2024

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  • over 14,000+ films
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Hogtied Review

Hogtied is one of those sites that you wish you could replicate in your personal, or better yet, professional life, but also wish it didn't exist. Are there really women out there who loves to be hogtied? The answer is, yes there are. I once dated one and it was an exhilarating relationship while it lasted. I learned a lot more about knots than I ever did from my time in the Boy Scouts or through years of fishing both on land and at sea. Not only did I learn about knots, I also learned about other ways to restrain a lady friend properly. Now I find myself going to Hogtied.com and wishing I could have my old girlfriend back. There is so much I'd like to do to her!

Boy I feel sick... not in a bad way, though. I am talking about the twisted shit we all think about, but most never get to act on. You know you have it inside you too. Just waiting to get out. Which is why Hogtied is more than just a porn site, it is therapy!

One of the best things about Hogtied is it is not fake and the videos go back over a decade. Throughout the years different men have come forward to run the site and each has left his own mark upon it. Some guys were more into the torture and the process of tying a woman up like a hog. Others were more into the fun you can have with her as you force feed her your cock. No matter if you swing one way or the other you are covered at Hogtied.

Just in case you are wondering, "Is this site real? Are the ladies really in pain?" I can attest that they are in pain and often the models have come forward to try and denounce the site because situations went from paid model to... well, lets just say, something the girls didn't feel they signed up for. What the models didn't realize is that every time they complain about the abuse they feel they received it only makes the sites reputation that much better!

Hogtied only updates once per week, but that is plenty when you consider the average video length is 40 minutes and there are over 1,100 videos in the dungeon. Each video has accompanying photo sets. Newer sets stopped being ZIP'ed for some reason. There are usually 200 photos per set. The best attraction on the site is the monthly live broadcasts where you get to see the bondage and torture as it plays out!

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